Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Corn Should Come From Iowa

Laine had her first corn on the cob a few weeks ago. She enjoyed husking the corn with us on the back deck--and it was quite the novelty to gnaw the cob for dinner! She didn't eat much, just a nibble here and there (like her Mommy--I don't eat it straight in a line!) She ate much more a few days later once it was cut off the cob and cold from the fridge.

You probably can't help but notice the big scrape between Laine's eyes. This came from a fall in our cul-de-sac where she landed right near the curb and the spot on her nose scraped the raised part and gave her quite an ow! She had been waiting all day for our neighbor girl to come out and play, and when she did Laine wanted to run with her. She shouted, "RUN!" and took off...but when she turned to see if Brielle was following her, she tripped and met the curb. After a good cry and hugs from Mommy, Laine wriggled down from my arms, and took off again, yelling "RUN!" Glad to know we've given our little peanut a hard shell!

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