Wednesday, March 17, 2010

My Aching Back

On Monday afternoon as I was playing with Laine on the family room floor, I tried to get up and found I couldn't move without excruciating pain. I had felt a bit sore in my back about two weeks earlier, but it had gotten better by the next morning. This time, however, was BAD. I couldn't find any position that didn't hurt, let alone allow me to get up off the floor. My cell phone was about 4 feet from me, and I had to shimmy over to it in order to call Jayson. It took me 10 minutes to get there!
Jayson came home early to rescue Laine and me. She was content to play on the floor with the few toys I had surrounding her, but by the time her daddy got home, Laine was bored to tears (as was I, except the tears were for a different reason). After a long struggle, I got off the floor and up to bed. We called the doctor and made an appointment for the next day.
Laine's daddy took over from there: feeding her, putting her to bed, and getting our dinner. (We ate in bed while I reclined on an ice pack.) The doctor's appointment the next morning confirmed my injury was probably just from hauling a carseat around, picking Laine up off the floor and toting her around everywhere with me. My core is not as strong as it was before pregnancy and I need to work on getting it strengthened.
Grandpa Good came to babysit Laine while Jayson took me to the doctor, and he stayed for the afternoon to help. It was so hard not to lift this little peanut (who by the way isn't exactly a butterball, so I blame the heavy, awkward carseat and not my baby,) but Grandpa did all the heavy lifting and left me instructions to take it easy!
But seriously, how long would you be able to stay away from this sweet face? We're back in business today and taking it easy, just as Grandpa instructed.

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