Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Wild Things

Issaquah Salmon Days parade was a fun event we attended on October 1st. The Little Gym Laine attends invited all the students to walk in the parade and dress up or decorate their wagons and strollers. We jumped at the chance for a new experience, and Laine ended up having a good time. There was a long, long, long, wait as we stood way at the back of the parade must have been at least an hour after the parade started that we began walking. If I remember right, the parade route was 2 miles. We did walk most of it, a big portion carrying Laine. (She sat in her stroller FOREVER as we waited to start.) We bailed near the Taco Time on Gilman Blvd, but as I discovered later we only had a block or two until we would have come to the end!

Laine in her Monster Stroller.

One photo I wish I'd gotten was Laine and this little boy wearing a costume from Where the Wild Things Are. The boy never took off his furry, somewhat scary mask--and Laine was in love with it! As we walked the parade, she kept asking "Where Laine monster friend?" She talked about him for days afterwards!

Kitty-cat whiskers were a big hit.

Biggest lineup of DeLoreans I'd ever seen. One even had a flux capacitor!

(Back to the Future for those of you not in the know.)

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