The following is an untimely list of her words before and around the 4th of July. Dirty, sweep, diaper (die-py), bite, pat, bear, truck, lamp, noodle, pasta, hockey, run, clock, yellow, blue, cocoa (hot cocoa), chalk, pie, eggroll, wipe, onion, coffee, other (uses correctly), spoon, fork, knife, cracker, jean, strawberry, weak, zipper, work, wet, boss (as in, "who's the boss?" "Laine boss!") bumbum, out, animal, pirate, eat, light, cookie, on, comb, heart, (knows the shape), mouse, bunny, bone, peek, hand, poke, naked, two (uses correctly but now uses for anything other than one!) shirt, sheet, cup, kitty, mommy room, ride bike, remote, towel, pillow, pat and pet, tap, blow.
A few funnies and things:
For awhile, everything was "yeah yeah." Not just one affirmation, but always two.
She called everything yellow for a while, and just as I was thinking she'd never know her colors, she shocked me by knowing them all. In an instant.
She says hello to everything. Dogs, rocks, her feet. One night at dinner, she said, "Hello, knife!"
For awhile, her most common phrase was "Mama read it!"
She knows a lot of her books by name. Her words: "I Yove Trucks," "I a Bunny," "Goodnigh Moon," "Runny Bunny" "Yamberry," and "Daddy Cozy Hug" among many others.
She's big on order and doing things the same way every time. She and I snuggle and watch a little Sesame Street in the morning, and she tells me repeatedly as I drink my daily caffeine, "Mama coffee. Mama hot cocoa." (I have hot cocoa in my coffee.) If I don't have it, she wonders where it is.
She can say and do "Pat-a-cake," "Head Shoulders Knees and Toes," "Where is Thumbkin?" and sing a number of Wiggles songs, including "Rockabye Your Bear" and "Hot Potato."
She's always wanting us to do what she does. "Mama do dat!" "Daddy do dat!" (As she lays on her tummy naked in the tub. Um, not gonna do dat. My favorite sentence of hers for awhile was "Mama do dat float on tummy!")
If she hears a car coming into our cul-de-sac, she runs onto the grass and says, "Car coming!" If it is a louder sound, she says, "Truck coming!"
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