Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Technologically Savvy

We're getting Laine started on the computer early--Grandma and Grandpa Buechler and Auntie Keri-Ann got Laine her first laptop. She loves it! It lights up, makes all kinds of music and sounds, and even had a little "mouse!"
Laine types away while Grandma uses Laine's cell phone minutes.

Auntie teaches Laine all about Windows Vista.

Sunday, April 25, 2010

An Early Morning Swing

This morning, just a little after Laine woke up, we headed to our neighborhood park. We've been meaning to try Laine out in the swing for a few weeks now, but it was either sketchy weather or we had other plans. I've been pestering Jayson each weekend about this...I didn't want to do it during the week when he wasn't there to enjoy her potential excitement. She did have a great time, and now we can swing anytime!

It did require my coat and Laine's blanket to be stuck in behind her--she may be tall but she's still pretty thin!

Saturday, April 24, 2010

Not Happy

The end of meal time isn't always the most fun around here lately...below is how Laine reacted when I told her there were no more yams to eat for dinner. She was less than pleased. She doesn't like getting her face cleaned up either.
Here, between the rice cereal and zucchini, is a clear shot of Laine's two teeth. It's been so hard to get a picture snapped--she won't let me get my fingers in to pull back her lip and tongue, so sadly I had to wait until she was crying, which is very rare these days. My first thought when she started fussing was "Oh, I can see her teeth! Where's the camera?!" I'm such a mean mommy.

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Laine at Six Months

Our little peanut has been in our lives for SIX months now! She seems to be growing and changing by the day. At her doctor's appointment she weighed in at 17 pounds .5 ounces (75th percentile) and was 28 1/4 inches long (above the 95th percentile!) Some of my concerns about Laine not sitting up unassisted were answered by the doctor: she is so tall and lanky that it's harder for her to balance than for other babies. The doctor reassured me that she has plenty of time to learn to sit up before she is considered "behind."

Some of the things Laine has picked up recently or has been doing since she was 5 months old:
  • She won't just sit in her Bumbo seat anymore- she leans to either side or arches her back to get out. We haven't been able to successfully feed her in the Bumbo...she's too busy.
  • She loves slapping the table with her hands.
  • She's begun making a "th" sound--different than a raspberry (which she also is doing plenty of) I think this started when she was feeling her tooth with her tongue. Also, a sort of "b" and "p."
  • We have a second tooth coming through--front left!! It has not been as easy a process as the first tooth.
  • She isn't the most cuddly baby...I wish she was. But lately, after her first bottle of the morning, before I put her back in her crib, she will fall back asleep while I'm burping her and will lay back on me asleep for as long as I keep her there. This time is so precious.
  • Loves her yams, but not as big a fan of her zucchini. We're working on that.

We celebrated Laine's six months with a few gifts and a HALF cake. The cake was mediocre...made with a non-dairy mix and a thrown-together non-dairy frosting. It certainly couldn't compare with ice cream and cake, that's for sure!

Laine, you are an absolute joy to us each and every day. It's so much fun watching you change and learn. We can't wait to show you the rest of the world.

Monday, April 19, 2010

East Coast Meets West Coast

Jayson's friend from high school, Joel, and his wife Gosia were home in Kirkland this weekend from the D.C. area and had an open house so that everyone could meet their new baby, Nolan. Nolan was born about two weeks before Laine, but the babies had the same due date! It was fun to see them together and check each other out.

Getting to know each other.

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Drop and Give Me Twenty!

Well, she can do at least one at a time...

I'm lucky to have caught this, my camera battery died right after she did her push-up. (That's why it cuts out so fast!)

Saturday, April 17, 2010

I Yam What I Yam

Mommy's homemade yam puree was a hit!

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Stuff and Things

This CAN'T be comfortable!

Laine's new funny face. I think she's feeling her new tooth when she does this. She's pictured here with Susan from my office. We stopped by for a visit on Tuesday!

Laine has now met Marie, my childhood teddybear. Marie is OLD. Marie is WORN. Marie is LOVED--by me, and now by Laine!

Our last PEPS meeting! We're still planning to get together--thank goodness, we'd miss all our new friends if we didn't!

Monday, April 12, 2010

Lazy Sunday

Watching the Masters with Daddy.

Playing with her block!

Bouncing and having fun in the Command Center.

Sunday, April 11, 2010

April Flowers

Yesterday, we headed up to Mount Vernon to enjoy the annual Tulip Festival with Laine. We got a later start than planned, as Laine took a nice long nap in the morning (and it took a long time to load up the car with all her necessities!) We were so late that we stopped off to eat before the main attraction. At the Mexican restaurant, Laine impressed the staff with an adult sized burp after her bottle!

We went straight to Roozengaarde, and visited their surrounding gardens. Then we headed to the fields for a little walk.
It was hard to get a smile out of Laine even though she was having a great time. There was so much to look at that even getting her to face the camera was difficult!

Daddy pushed Sophie the giraffe in the stroller for a while when Mommy was holding Laine.

It was warmer than it looks--I left my sweater in the car and had to leave my coat on as I had on a sleeveless shirt.

Out in the fields.

Needless to say, we are now inspired to order plenty of bulbs for our yard for next year!
Laine really wanted to grab a tulip!

At the end of the day--asleep with the thumb in the mouth.

Friday, April 9, 2010

Wild Weather

Yesterday, the weather turned on us. One minute, it was a mild spring day, and the next thing you know it was hailing. Small hail, then BIG hail. It kept up for quite a while. What a surprise in April when you consider that in February we had numerous 60+ degree days!
It's coming down!

Houston--We Have a Tooth!

On Wednesday morning, Laine opened her mouth and I thought I caught a glimpse of a white glimmer! Just barely under the surface, her first tooth was lurking, the tiniest bit poking through. Mom is now a woman obsessed. Approximately every thirty minutes or so, my finger will find its way to Laine's front lower left gumline to feel if any progress has been made. Of course, it's slow going, but since Wednesday it's gone from the tip of the iceberg to the whole ridged top breaking through the gums. And boy, are we lucky--she hasn't had ANY pain! No naps or nighttime sleep have been disturbed, and she hasn't even been cranky!

It's too small to catch in a photo just yet, so no pictures to post. Instead, here is Laine with her new best friend, Sophie the giraffe. Apparently, her nose, her ears, and her hooves are a great delicacy. Laine could gnaw on her all day!

Thinking back to Easter Sunday, Laine wasn't too keen on her bottle. I'd read that babies might lose interest in eating when they're getting close to cutting a tooth, as the pressure from sucking might hurt. Laine only ate a few ounces at a time on Easter, and now I think we can assume we know why!