Friday, August 19, 2011

Get Outta Town

The house was listed the weekend after the Fourth of July--and we decided the best thing to do was pack up and drive down to Gig Harbor. The house was spotless, and I mean SPOTLESS. Everything was clean, from the obvious things like the baseboards and mirrors, to the details a potential buyer wouldn't even notice, like the top of the doorbell (inside the house). In order to keep a little sanity, we thought leaving the house would be a good idea so that we wouldn't be constantly running around picking up after Laine.

We had a visit to the waterfront...

Breakfast at Kelly's and a sit (not a ride) on the horse out front (he was broken!)

Laine wore my old overalls, and they are nearly too short already.

Time with Grandpa...

Got out a few of Mommy's old toys...

Woke up with crazy nap hair...

Got out more of Mommy's toys...

We had an open house that Sunday and about 7 groups of people came through, not including 2 sets of our neighbors. One couple came through, left, and then came back with their agent 20 minutes later. More on this later...