Friday, May 28, 2010

This Post Might Make You Squeamish

On Wednesday evening, Jayson and I took Laine to do something we'd been both simultaneously dreading and looking forward to. Laine was born "tongue tied." This means that her frenulum (the skin that attaches your tongue to the bottom of your mouth) was extended all the way out to the end of her tongue. The doctor first noticed it at the hospital, and Laine's pediatrician noticed at her first appointment, but unless she was having trouble nursing they didn't think it was necessary to take care of it. After asking a few different times and then hearing from both a lactation consultant and speech pathologist that it might generate speech problems later on, we hemmed and hawed for months before deciding to get it snipped. I wanted to make sure that any potential problem wouldn't even have the chance to become an issue.
Laine at three months--
the tip of her tongue is pulled back in.

We met with Dr. O'Hara in Seattle, who was recommended by many. She was great with Laine but it was interesting to hear how she was much older than most babies who get this procedure done. Even the receptionist was chuckling that most baby smiles she sees are from newborns with gas! Laine was given ibuprofen and swaddled down, and Jayson helped to hold her chin as the doctor made a few simple snips. I'll be honest and say that Laine certainly didn't enjoy it. There was some struggle and loud crying, but as soon as the doctor was done, we gave Laine a bottle and she calmed down. She had big tears running down her face, but the worst was over. There was no additional fussing and she ate her yams and went to bed at her normal time--even slept through the night as usual. What a strong and resilient little girl we have!
The doctor even gave Laine her first lollipop--she thought it would be good to get Laine's tongue moving right away, so we dangled it at the edge of her lip to get her to lick it. The only thing was, with one taste of that artificial grape flavor, Laine was hooked. She wanted the whole lollipop in her mouth! We ended up giving her just a few licks before tossing it. Who needs a sugar addicted seven month old?!

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Beautiful Day in the Neighborhood

To most of you, these are just duplicate shots of Laine chewing on all her toys. To me, they are beautiful photos of my gorgeous baby girl, delighting in the sunny day spent on our front lawn. The occasional breeze rustling Laine's wispy hair, the quiet of our cul-de-sac, the sun peeking through the trees. It was a perfect afternoon. {Sappy, poetic moment concluded.}


Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Maija in Magnolia

While Jayson played golf on a very weather-questionable Sunday, Laine and I headed over to Magnolia to see Maija! I forgot to put the battery back in my camera after charging it (still getting the swing of my new camera,) so Maija and her husband Ernest took some photos of our day. Laine played a little piano (Maija insists it was the first of many lessons,) introduced Laine to Sophie-dog, and we took a walk around Magnolia once the skies cleared. It actually ended up warmer than we expected, and we sat out in Maija's beautiful garden and ate our dessert!
Where is middle C again?

How do you do, Sophie? My name is Laine.

Can I stay and play some more?

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Laine at Seven Months

Who knew that in one month so many changes could happen?! In the past four weeks, we've finally found Laine's ticklish spots (up by her ribs and back,) listened to her happy laughing and talking when she wakes in the morning, helped her start sitting up for long periods, and watched her rock back and forth on all fours. She's tried carrots, yams, and oatmeal, (loved them,) zucchini, (spat out and made faces,) peas and bananas and apples, (yum to all,) avacado (gagged on it,) and pears (delicious!)
She's instigated playing peekaboo with her shirt over her head (I got so emotional when I realized she was actually playing a game with me,) developed a real cackle of a laugh, become partial to Sophie the giraffe and her new plastic blocks, learned to shake her maraca (an adorable, dainty movement of her wrist,) and simply enjoyed laying on the floor of the family room, holding a toy over her head and laughing and laughing while I cook in the kitchen.
Laine, we love you so much and are excited to see what new things you discover in the next month!

Sitting Pretty

Laine is doing so much better at sitting up on her own these days. Her progress in just the last five days is extraordinary! The amount of time can range anywhere from two to twenty-five minutes without any support--the former is usually as we get closer to naptime. She can lean forward to reach for toys or even sneeze five times in a row and still hold herself up as she did yesterday!

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Lazy Dayz

We start every day hanging out in bed for a little while. (For crying out loud, this kid starts her day as early as 5:15!) Mommy gets a bottle ready while Daddy changes the diaper, and then Daddy feeds Laine. When Daddy gets in the shower, Laine and I play in bed. Fresh out of the shower, Jayson tickles Laine's face with his wet hair every morning. After weeks of this, she's still not sure what to think, but she anticipates it as he comes toward her!
My most beautiful angel and her two teeth.

Below is our new "smile." It's really more of a psychotic grin, but boy does it make us laugh! Laine makes this face all the time now--as you approach her, at her toys, or at the air in front of her! Our little girl is happy 98% of the time!

Playing with Mommy's scarf! (Now officially Laine's toy.)

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Sleep Signals

When Laine was first born, I read a book regarding sleeping patterns and babies. I was concerned when I first read about sleep cues and we were having a tough time deciphering Laine's. At around five months, however, things changed. Her early sleepy signs are very clear to us now. The thumb finds the mouth, and she starts grabbing at any fabric available. Take her to her crib and she will drift off sucking on her thumb until she is totally asleep. The sleepsack (a wearable blanket) is also a requirement. She pulls her legs up to her face and hangs on to the fabric. I think we have a potential blankie owner in her.

Monday, May 17, 2010

Laine Likes Leslie

We met up with Leslie on Sunday after she ran in the Beat the Bridge 8k. Piece of cake for her, as she'd just recently rocked it in the Boston Marathon. Laine was charmed by her Auntie Leslie (of course,) and Leslie was rather charmed by Laine. She's becoming a little person now and it was fun to watch her with Leslie.


After months and months, Laine finally got to meet Jodi! The Wingerters have been in town many times since Laine was born, but it never seemed to work out to get Jodi and Laine in the same place at the same time. At nearly seven months old, it was about time!

Jodi cuddles with Laine.

Pretty sure another tooth is coming through...this face is a dead giveaway.

Sunday, May 16, 2010

Hat Trick

And that is why I no longer wear earrings.

Mother's Day

I was treated to vegan doughnuts and coffee in bed on Mother's Day. The whole family came over that afternoon and we had a nice dinner with all the grandparents, Granny, and Auntie Keri-Ann.

Monday, May 3, 2010

Weekend at Grandma and Grandpa's

Grandma Good hadn't seen Laine since Easter! We headed to the harbor for the weekend to catch her up. Laine is doing all sorts of things she wasn't doing weeks ago--grabbing her hair while she eats, kicking her legs like crazy--and vocalizing all the time now!

Standing up with just a little assistance from Grandpa!

Our Bathing Beauty